St Andrews’ College Girls 1stXI Football Sponsorship & Charity Golf Tournament

Hi Frank

I want to thank you on behalf of the St Andrews’ College Girls 1stXI Football for your sponsorship and generous support of the fundraising and Charity Golf Tournament held at Clearwater last Friday.

Combined with other sponsors on the day, the team was able to raise $6,000.00 for their development and a further $12,000.00 which we will be donating to the Chalk Carr Trust.

As a College this is a Trust dear to our hearts and we look forward to supporting them in the future.  We have compiled a video clip of the event and would like to share this with you for your own viewing.  You are most welcome to use the links below to promote your support of the day on your own social media sites.

This is now up on Facebook, it is also on YouTube and the photos on Flickr can be found here.

Kind Regards,

Jo Morrow

Event Manager – Charity Golf Tournament
St Andrew’s College
347 Papanui Rd | Strowan

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